I first met Jess last year whilst in Greece working for a fab watersports company called Horizon Watersports. We worked alongside each other and shared an apartment too for a short while! Jess has travelled to many beautiful places teaching watersports.....here's her story about seasonaire life.
Hey Jess welcome to Yemaya Ladies! So introduce yourself & tell us a little bit about what you’re upto at the moment?
Hello! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of Yemaya Ladies; I'm very excited to be involved! I am a watersports Instructor currently working at a college teaching students aged 16+ kayaking, canoeing, climbing, mountain biking, powerboating, sailing and windsurfing!
Tell me how you got into water sports? Have water sports always been a big passion for you?
When I was 17, whilst doing A Levels at school, I wanted to join the Police Force, so I joined a Police Cadet unit and they took us on an outdoor residential trip in Wales which made me realise that that was much more fun than anything I had ever done before! So I looked into becoming an outdoor instructor and found a 2 year course in outdoor adventure at college and its spiralled from there!
So what is your favourite on water activity?
Hmm, that's a tough one... I absolutely love teaching windsurfing but there's nothing better than going sailing with a friend and having lots of laughs.
Your work in watersports have taken you to some pretty epic places around the world haven’t they? Tell me more!
I have been really lucky to get to explore some beautiful places! Starting as a canoe instructor on the Ardeche in the South of France taking schools on a 3 day decent of the river. I moved onto a ski season in Finland were I was lucky enough to see the Northern Lights! Then to the French Alps. After that I did a year long development scheme in Wales and did my first of 3 seasons in Dubai were i got the opportunity to travel to Sri Lanka, Bali and Thailand. With summer seasons in Wales and Greece in between!
It's been a blast and I'm very grateful for being able to go and work in so many different places and now I'm back at my old college were it all started teaching the practical on the outdoor adventure course!
So where has been your favourite place to travel too and why?
My absolute favourite place has to be Gili Air, Indonesia. Such a beautiful little island which you could easily walk around in a morning; meeting so many friendly people and such a relaxed atmosphere as no cars are allowed on the Island and the sea was cracking! Definitely recommended!
Wow that sounds pretty awesome - I will definitely add that to my list too! Is there anywhere that is on your bucket list that you are keen to tick off soon?
Australia and New Zealand have always been places I've been keen to visit, would love to get the chance to go!
Life as a seasonaire is super fun but can also be pretty full on and living out of a rucksack for months at a time can be quite hard going! As a pretty experienced seasonaire what are your top 3 items that you take with you on every season & that you just couldn’t live without?
1.Definitely Sunblock! When spending so much time on the water in the sun you have to look after yourself, especially the nose!
2.A pack of cards is always a good way to get to know people and provides good entertainment in the evenings!
3.I always appreciated having my skateboard with my for getting around and learning new tricks in the evenings when not working.
Do you have any tips for people thinking about heading into the water sports industry?
See as many places as you can! Push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore! You will make so many friends and make some fantastic memories.
So what does the future hold for you? Any exciting trips planned or any more seasons abroad on the horizon?
I am now back in the UK for the foreseeable loving teaching at the College, but I have just bought a narrowboat to live on so there will be so exploration of canals!
Jess wears the hummingbird & light blue sea glass necklace